mercredi 30 janvier 2008

INNOCENTIVE : the community solvers for companies and organizations

Founded in 2001, InnoCentive built the first global web community for open
innovation, enabling scientists, engineers, professionals and entrepreneurs
to collaborate to deliver breakthrough solutions for R&D-driven
organizations. InnoCentive Seekers, who collectively spend billions of
dollars on R&D, submit complex problems to the InnoCentive Marketplace
where more than 135,000 engineers, scientists, inventors, business people,
and research organizations in more than 175 countries are invited to solve
them. Solvers who deliver the most innovative solutions receive financial
awards ranging up to US$1,000,000. InnoCentive's Seekers include
commercial, government and non-profit organizations such as Eli Lilly and
Company, Janssen, Solvay, GlobalGiving and The Rockefeller Foundation.They are a kind of external R&D SERVICES, which can accelerates changes in companies and organisations.

INNOCENTIVE :Everything is possible

The community solvers are able to work on various subject for the seekers community in particular :
- Math and computer science : Information Technology, Programming,
- Business and entrepreneurships Product Development, Business Development, Marketing, ...
- Physical science : Nanotechnology, BioPhysics, Geology,
- Chemistry: Organic, Polymer, Synthetic Chemistry
- Life science : Biology, Medicine, Food Science, Pharmacology
- Engeneering and design : Bioengineering, Civil Engineering, Electronics, ...

The solvers can deliver their solutions further to 4 differents flexibleways, which allows rewards further to this organization. Those ways are :
Ideation : the seekers are looking for new ideas they would choose from the results,
Theoretical: the seekers look for the perfect solution to their problem, with IP Idea property) transfered,
Reduction to practice: the seekers look for theoritical with physical evidence of the solution (samples),
ERFP:No I transfered because it is a redy to use solution where can be sold or at the origin of a contact between seekers and solvers.

For the seekers it means that they can decide to work to get varied positive options:

Award value assigned : Ideation + theoretical+Reduction to practice
Guaranteed award : Ideation
Non exclusive licenced upon award: Ideation
Award paid only if challenge solved:theoretical+ Reduction to practice
IP transfer if challenge solved : theoretical+ Reduction to practice
Success fees paid if challenge solved :
Ideation+theoretical+Reduction to practice
Collaboration proposal if challenge is solved: ERFP

ADVANTAGES of INNOCENTIVE : the worldwide brainstorming
- Its is a worldwide laboratory where everyone can work on everything, which is an open creativity market but safe,
- It is the best way for seekers to get solutions from a different search area than the one they know already. Problems can be solved simply because non specialist with new approach are working on them.
- It is a time and money saver tool because :
- 1/ People who chooses to work on any program are passionate about it first , which can help a lot in the originality of the outcome.
- 2/It makes seekers and solvers quickly in touch ,.
- It is a risks minimizer for a company or an organization. Instead of spending months or years on a topic, they can benefit from the experience or curiosity or passionate people and get the result quicker.

DISAVANDTAGES of INNOCENTIVE : working without winning
- IP problems to solve,
- Some touchy subjects regarding deontology cannot be submitted ( nuclear or
war related projects),
- Time might be difficult to evaluate and control,
- Some subjects might not be chosen by solvers.So the seeker might fail to
- The amount of money attributed to a project might not be enough.
- Confidentiality of the project might be an issue.
- the solver might work a lot without being chosen even his project or idea is a good one.Regarding the investment in time or money it could be a risky business...


As the aim of this community is to expand, new sectors might be interested by the way it is possible to find new options :

New challenges for news seekers
- Education : since teachers and professors are always complaining about he system it will will be a good opportunity for them to bring up new solutions to problems all over the world,
-NGO's : to be able to raise more money about varied subjects,
- Fashion industry :for a better creativity fashion companies could challenge creatives through a specific project,
- Police : to look for solutions to stop drug traffic, pedophiles or any other problem, in order to create a better inter police-communication or to find solutions in a different ways, Innovative could be tested.

The budget allowed for those programs could be the one to be used by the winner to set up his idea.

New services to the communities of seekers and solvers
As innovative is a service company which introduces seekers to solvers or vice-versa, INNOVATIVE could offer services to those 2 communities through special offer for :
- New challenge : once a challenge is finished a loser seeker could be willing to find another company to sell his idea to. He might want to find another company to negociate with.
- Money : A solver who did not find a seeker, might want to get the project for himself , but he might need money> and Innovative could have deals with banks or finacial companies to help people to finance their project.
- A data base of projects and solvers to be consulted by seekers or solvers trough a private password and a subscription fee.
- Services to entrepreneurs :such as associations or organisations, specialised recruitement or interim companies or magazines subscription to help entrepreneurs to succeed.
- Professional video resume : in order to help solver to meet the right seekers, INNOVATIVE cold offer a service (paying or not) of video resume which can be seen by seekers through a paying password (subscription).
- The expert of the year : INNOVATIVE could also chose amongst the solvers who replies to his challenges or even seekers, the expert of the year for the expertise this person has shown during the challenge, to give advices to other seekers and solvers. With a password and a subscription fee, anyone could challenge the expert and get apersonalised answer or advice.It could be one person or one per speciality.

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